Quick-Connect Flow Finder Attachment
The Quick-Connect Flow Finder Attachment is designed to be used with a Flow Gauge to take manual flow readings at a legacy distribution panel, an old-style air pipe manifold, a bypassed plug, or any location where two tank valves are located within approximately three feet of each other. The attachment includes two standard air chucks, two 20.5" lengths of pressure tubing and a 0-19 SCFH Flow Finder. The air chucks attached to each tube end are supplied with a swivel connector which makes it easier to attach the chuck to a tank valve. Swivel fittings are also installed at the connections to the Flow Finder, allowing it to be easily positioned to accept the Flow Gauge Sampler connector. Thanks to the times-two reading capability of the Flow Gauge, it is possible to use the Quick-Connect Flow Finder Attachment to read flows up to 38 SCFH.
For specifications and additional information about this tool, please refer to the product data sheet.
The Quick-Connect Flow Finder Attachment is designed to be used with a Flow Gauge to take manual flow readings at a legacy distribution panel, an old-style air pipe manifold, a bypassed plug, or any location where two tank valves are located within approximately three feet of each other. The attachment includes two standard air chucks, two 20.5" lengths of pressure tubing and a 0-19 SCFH Flow Finder. The air chucks attached to each tube end are supplied with a swivel connector which makes it easier to attach the chuck to a tank valve. Swivel fittings are also installed at the connections to the Flow Finder, allowing it to be easily positioned to accept the Flow Gauge Sampler connector. Thanks to the times-two reading capability of the Flow Gauge, it is possible to use the Quick-Connect Flow Finder Attachment to read flows up to 38 SCFH.
For specifications and additional information about this tool, please refer to the product data sheet.